Young people: recruitment and selection criteria
When recruiting young people, the initial strategy is to contact teaching institutions near the future Oldnet laboratory. Teaching institutions may be schools, universities, or computer schools, etc. After a presentation of Oldnet Program proposals and agreeing to a partnership, the program is publicized among the institution's students.
Those interested fill out a registration form to take part in laboratory sessions.

Useful tips:
If there are no educational institutions locally, Oldnet Program multipliers may recruit young people through partnerships with regional media vehicles, such as radios, newspapers etc.
If it is not possible to use all the young people selected, it is advisable to use the criterion of order of enrollment and draw up a waiting list.

Seniors: criteria for enrollment
Seniors are primarily recruited from the institutions assisting this part of the community. Other seniors not in touch with these organizations may be drawn to the program through publicity in the community where the program will be run, using vehicles such as newspapers, pamphlets or posters etc.
Enrollment forms are distributed to interested seniors.

If you cannot enroll everybody, there may be a selection criterion, giving preference to order of enrollment and seniors with little or no computer knowledge.