Building the work group
Above all, it is important to understand that the people involved are co-authors of the process, collaborating democratically with the creation, decision, mobilization and articulation of ideas and everyday solutions. Team work means continually evaluating the duties and rights of each member. One has to delegate responsibilities, set limits, appreciate opinions and respect them. This approach makes the task of fulfilling objectives easier and more pleasant, sharing any difficulties and also achievements during the process.

The stages of the program are planned, executed and appraised by all those who can and should contribute actively to enriching the process.

In building the ideal work team, there are basically five professionals to be considered:

Multiplier agent
The multiplier agent is responsible for implementing the Oldnet Program in his or her community. The agent identifies potential laboratories, articulates partnerships and makes initial contacts with other entities. The work should be coordinated with that of the educators, from checking the conditions of the space and the equipment needed through set-up and overall supervision of laboratories.

Multiplier agents should design their own strategy for managing and implementing an Oldnet Program. The guidelines here are to assist and advise them.

Strategic issues:
What skills and/or competences are required to implement the Program?
What structures / systems /methods are needed?
Whom (persons /organizations) does the program need to relate to?

Multiplier Agent Functions:
Responsible for implementing the program;
Initial contacts with partners;
Mapping, set-up and overall supervision of laboratories;
Administrative and financial management.

Also part of the multiplier agent role:
Draw up and monitor the timeline or schedule,
Managing the organizational structure and putting the team together,
Draw up and track the budget,
Manage communication with partners.

To see some program management models, click below:
Organizational structure

Educators are the professionals responsible for teaching activities. They must have basic knowledge of computers and the universe of the seniors and the young people.

Educators spend time and energy on promoting bonding or relations, recruiting, training and monitoring young volunteers on the program to ensure the seniors develop; along with the multiplier agent, they devise the best strategies for maintaining quality partnerships.

They should bear in mind that the encounter between young people and seniors is the main focus of the computer laboratory in the Oldnet Program. Therefore, their role is to manage teaching activities with flexibility and empathy, facilitate the encounter between generations, assist young people and seniors in their needs, and encourage the autonomy of each young teacher. It is the educator who will watch over the performance of the group and relationships built in the course of the program, intervening and helping when necessary.

This role in general may be filled by psychologists, educators or any other person that has the necessary qualities.

Functions of the Educator:
Guidance for teaching activities;
Recruiting, selecting and training young people;
Publicizing the program among seniors;
Enrolling seniors;
Coordinating the recording of activities carried out by the young people.

The monitor is a young person selected to assist the educator and other young people in the organization, execution and preparation of lessons and activities. The monitor may be responsible for organization of class and lesson records and files, attendance lists, discussing progress in class and standing in for any absent young teacher.

The monitor will do intensive training with computer technicians, in order to develop skills for effective use of the hardware and software and gain autonomy for solving any simple problems that may arise in the machines.

Functions of the monitor:
Assist the educators in their tasks;
Assist young learners with lesson preparation;
When necessary, teach the seniors;
Does computer training with specialized technicians;
Provides emergency assistance in cases of technical problems in computers or seeks aid of computer technician.

Computer technician
The computer technician periodically checks facilities and equipment, providing technical support for problem solving, updating and doing preventive maintenance of machines, making back-ups of files.

Initially, the technician checks the conditions and infrastructure of a potential Oldnet laboratory space and participates in the technical training for monitors. Although this professional is not present in all the activities, he /she will be called out when necessary.

The computer technician's functions:
Provide technical support and solves any problems in the laboratory's equipment;
Make back-up of the files need for the program;
Perform preventive maintenance of machines;
Provide training in basic notions of computer use for the monitors;

Arranging partnerships
The Oldnet Program's social relevance and credibility facilitates partnerships with teaching institutions when recruiting young volunteers, or with institutions to house laboratories, seniors' homes and a series of partner-supporters, if extra funds are needed.

 Cidade Escola Aprendiz relied on support from several partners to set up its Oldnet laboratories, but this course of action can be shortened in so far as multiplier agents can house and finance their laboratories.

Depending on the case, it may be necessary to contact one or more financial-support institutions to facilitate implementation of the program.